GDECE 102 Learning and Development birth to two years Assessment-2 Assignment Help

GDECE102 Assignment Help
Task description:

Based on analysis of the case study provided, design appropriate learning and teaching strategies for the child in an early childhood education setting. The needs of the child should be understood through Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. The learning and teaching strategies should also be justified through ecological systems theory. Draw upon a range of literature to support your analysis and decision making.

  • • Explain your understanding of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory (300 - 500 words)
  • • Apply the theory to analyse the focus child in the case study provided. (300 - 500 words)
  • • Develop a range of teaching and learning strategies to address the developmental needs of the child (800 - 1000 words)

This assignment should include a brief introduction and conclusion.

  • Word count: 2000 words +/- 10%
    • NOTE: SCEI-HE requires its students to observe the highest ethical standards in every aspect of their academic work. SCEI-HE actively demonstrates its commitment to academic integrity by recognising scholarly work and penalising all forms of academic dishonesty. Please refer to the Institute’s HEPP01 Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure for further information or speak to your lecturer, Academic Support Coordinator or Librarian.
    • Formatting: 12-point serif font (eg. Times New Roman). 1.5 or double line spacing.
    • Referencing: APA7 (please refer to this guide for referencing guidelines)

    Due Date: Week 12

    Grading Scale:

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